

On this page you can find some cool schematics that we at MinecraftNOW have made.

You have full permission to add these schematics to your singleplayer game or your

Multi-Player server. If you do not know how to import schematics you can just look for

a tutorial on our youtube page. But pretty much all you need to do is download

MCedit. Which you can do here. We will not be including popular schematics on this 

page because we do not have permission to include other peoples builds on our 

website and you do not have permission to include the schematics in your worlds. 

However you will be able to download schematics of things the MinecraftNOW team 

have built and like I said above, you DO have permission to use in your single player 

worlds. You can also use them in your multiplayer servers if you give credit

 Click Here To Proceed to Schematic Downloads

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